God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 NLT
The world is the object of My love.
Looking down from heaven, I dearly prized the people of all nations.
Understanding the hopelessness of the human situation,
I compassionately and mercifully provided a perfect solution.
Observing sinners scurrying around like cockroaches in dark alleys,
I sent Holy Light to show them a nobler way to live.
My Son is the offering of My love.
I am Love—I proved it once and for all by sending Jesus to earth
to make it possible for you to be My friend forever.
I did not dispatch My Son to condemn and pass sentence on you—
but to forgive you of your transgressions.
The bloody sacrifice on Skull Hill was the highest price He could pay.
He suffered excruciatingly when He took your sins on His shoulders.
Belief is the opportunity of my love.
Relying on Jesus places you in My eternal care.
Believing means more than nodding your head in mental assent—
it means trusting His words and relying on Him for power to change.
Jesus’ death on the cross is the only remedy for your sin.
Your eternal destiny hinges on what you do with My Son.
Eternal life is the optimism of My love.
Not guilty is the verdict I reach when you kneel in repentance and faith.
Safe and sound is your ensured state when you surrender to Me.
Eternal life is not just living forever—that would be hell without Me.
Eternal life is a new earthly life in time—
and a heavenly life without death, sickness, or evil in eternity.
How can you be sure I will honor this insurance policy? You have My Word.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 321, Gentle Whispers from Eternity