Rembrandt - Jesus Calming the Storm
Lord of your Rocking Boat
They were in absolute awe, staggered. “Who is this, anyway?” they asked. “Wind and sea at his beck and call!”
I am the Everlasting Father – the God with a loving heart.
When you feel like frantically pushing the panic button, seek My help.
Some think it eccentric that you believe I care for you, but you know I do.
Let Me carry your burdens for you, so you can travel light.
Before I sculpted mountains into being, I was your Home – I still am.
I am the same today I was yesterday, and will be forever – rest assured.
When life gets crazy, I am your Anchor —
stabilizing your heart as you ride rapids of changing circumstances,
building your confidence that you will not drown in responsibilities,
quelling your anxious hand-wringing in the midst of pandemonium.
I am the Prince of Peace – the God of eternal hope.
I still subdue fierce winds to a gentle breeze – I still calm high seas.
In fact, people who focus their minds on Me experience perfect peace.
I raised My Son from the dead, and I give you all you need to do My will.
When life gets noisy, I am your Shepherd –
letting you rest in green meadows, changing accelerando to adagio;
guiding you by peaceful brooks, changing fortissimo to pianissimo;
providing a quiet place in hectivity, changing agitato to sostenuto.
I am the Wonderful Counselor – the God of emotional healing.
Faith in Me overcomes fear of anything that would terrorize you.
The Immortal God is your Helper, so why tremble before mere mortals?
My grace is with you in every situation, so why go catatonic?
Enrolled in Adversity University? Be sure you learn My lessons well.
Experiencing thunderstorms? Look for a rainbow after the rain.
When life gets stormy, I am your Storm Shelter –
granting you peace of mind too wonderful for words,
supernaturally protecting you from all that would harm your soul,
guarding your life from demonic forces that would tear you apart.
I am the Mighty God – the God of miraculous help.
Do not underestimate My ability to handle any crisis that comes your way.
Life is often problematic for you, but nothing is too hard for Me to handle.
My Spirit hovered over the swirling waters of an amorphous earth,
channeling waters into one place so humans could find a foothold.
I have My way in the whirlwind, so do not worry about hurricanes.
I hush the sea to sleep so you can.
When life gets chaotic, I am Lord of your rocking boat –
keeping you safe no matter how threatening the waves,
directing your course to an ultimate serene harbor,
keeping your small boat on an even keel on My great sea.
Who am I? Trust Me, and find out.

(c) Pastor Johnny Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity