Long ago, even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ
to be holy and without fault in his eyes.
His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family
by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. And this gave him great pleasure.
Ephesians 1:4-5 NLT
Before I created the universe, I had you in mind and chose you to be Mine.
By heaven’s design, you are My masterpiece, My work of art.
My grand purpose is that you become faultless—like My perfect Son.
Yield to My sovereign hands, and I will sculpt you into Christ’s image.
My great plan for you is adoption into My family—a dearly loved child.
Receive My gift of grace, and I will gladly welcome you to heaven’s table.
My graceful Presence fills your heart and leads you through life to glory.
Follow Me and I’ll get you to a tearless, deathless, painless, sinless home.
Related to My Son, live fearlessly.
Before I whispered stars into existence, I knew earth would need a Savior,
and decided Jesus would be humanity’s merciful Redeemer.
Jesus’ deliverance is the world’s only hope of total victory over sin.
My way of forgiving sin and purchasing freedom is the blood of My Son.
You can’t buy a ticket to heaven—it’s already paid for, available by faith.
Signed in Jesus’ blood, sealed with the Father’s love, delivered by the Spirit—
liberation from sin’s penalty and power is freely given to all who believe.
My Son is the Way to the Truth of Life—get to know Him and really live!
Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, live joyfully.
Before I divided light from darkness, I selected Christ to be the King of kings.
I knew the world would be a battleground between good and evil.
I determined that Christ would ultimately crush the prince of darkness.
My long-range plan is that earth will become heaven under Messiah’s rule.
When He rules, angels will blow trumpets and saints will sing new songs.
His return will solve problems politicians, economists, and warriors couldn’t.
Knowing who is going to win in the end, faithfully stay on the victory side.
Keep out of dark, dingy places—walk as a child of the Light.
Responsible for your conduct, live carefully.
Before I thought of making the heavens and earth, I thought of you.
I had you in my heart before time began, and provided for your destiny.
There’s a mansion in your future—it is not too good to be true.
Before time began, I dreamed of your future in a land beyond time
and drew up your inheritance—glorious immortality shared with My Son.
My dream will come true—the nightmare of sin will finally be over.
Right in My sight, live hopefully.
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Gentle Whispers from Eternity