After those horrible days end, the sun will be darkened,
the moon will not give light, stars will fall from the sky,
and the powers of heaven will be shaken.
Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds,
with great power and glory. So keep a sharp lookout!
For you do not know when the homeowner will return—
at evening, midnight, early dawn, or late daybreak.
Mark 13:24-26, 36-37 NLT
Contrary to popular opinion, the Creator will return as Judge.
The Lamb will become a Lion—the world will go up in smoke.
Jesus’ shout will wake the dead—his trumpet call will be reveille.
Heads will roll, tears will fall, and knees will bend.
Keep doing right, no matter how intensely Satan tempts you—
then you can look Me straight in the eye without embarrassment.
Stay on the same wavelength with the Light of the world—
keep away from dark, dingy places demons haunt.
Stay on the same sheet of music with the Source of music—
enjoy eternal pleasure of My company, not sin’s temporary thrills.
The sun will be eclipsed by the dawn of the Sun of Righteousness.
After constellations die, the Bright Morning Star will shine on.
When human authority is history, the King of Kings will reign forever.
My promised future perfect tense will materialize at the right time.
Citizens from every nation will be privileged to be heavenly residents.
Believers will learn to speak My universal language of love.
Rest assured these good things will happen—you have My Word.
In view of My return . . .
Stay awake! You do not know the day or hour, so watch your step.
Live prayerfully—worship Me constantly with all your heart.
Stay alert! Only the Father knows the time, so do not let it surprise you.
Live wisely—think My thoughts and conquer the evil one.
Stay active! Lackadaisicalness and mediocrity betray your profession.
Live faithfully—work for Me with passion and energy.
Stay watchful! The King will return on God’s timetable, not yours.
Live conscientiously—make a conscious effort to be ready.
I may interrupt the evening of your leisure, bringing you eternal peace.
My wakeup call may happen during the midnight of your deepest rest.
Sunrise of an ordinary day may bring the dawn of heaven’s new day.
Your morning preoccupation may be replaced with unending worship.
Do not try to calculate the day of My return—prepare for it!

© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity