Eliashib the high priest and other priests started to rebuild at the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and set up its doors.
Retrace Nehemiah’s counterclockwise tour of Jerusalem’s wall. Pause at the gates and reflect on your relationship to Me.
The Sheep Gate pictures your pardon. Untold millions of lambs—led through that gate to be killed in the Temple—point to My Lamb led as a lamb to the slaughter on Skull Hill. He had done nothing wrong, yet He died so you could be right with your Creator.
The Fish Gate reminds you of your life’s highest purpose. Standing there, hear Jesus’ words—be My disciple, and I will teach you to fish for people. Focus energy on obedience and enjoy meaningful living.
The Old Gate leads you to remember the legacy of those who invite you to stand at the crossroads and reflect on ancient paths and seek the good way and walk in it, so you will find rest for your soul. Spiritual ancestors in the grandstands cheer you on to the finish line.
The Valley Gate teaches you the danger of pride and catapults arrogance as you adjust your attitude to Christlike downward mobility.
The Dung Gate challenges you to purity. If you want to be near Me, you must toss garbage. Everything else in the world is trash compared to the priceless gain of pure-hearted clear vision of the Holy One.
The Fountain Gate portrays the Holy Spirit called alongside you to calm, comfort, encourage, and defend you in life’s storms.
The Water Gate speaks of My principles guiding your behavior in the twists and turns of life’s maze.
The Horse Gate stirs you into militant action as you consider the polarization of good and evil in the spiritual warfare you are fighting.
The East Gate thrills you with the Messiah’s promised return to the holy city, new Jerusalem. The fi rst gate to be opened every morning reminds you that after you have cried your heart out in midnight desperation, the dawn of heaven will bring untarnished joy.
The Muster Gate motivates you to prepare for inspection by your Commander in Chief, so you will not blush at your interview with Me!
End up where you began with Me—the Sheep Gate—near the cross!

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity