The Savior’s Ministry
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released,
that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors,
and that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.
Luke 4:18-19 NLT
My plan will bring a new earth for the meek.
You’re ignored by big shots now, but one day you’ll be on the front row.
The Great Reversal will turn everything around and right side up.
Big wheels rule the world now, but My favorites will reign in paradise.
When I live with the humble-hearted, crying and pain will disappear.
When I make My home on earth, death and evil will be forever history.
The world mistreats My children now, but I will save you from oppression.
My peace will bring elation for the believing.
The Day of all days will make My blessings evident to the universe.
Glory will cascade ecstasy through the heart of every trusting soul.
The beauty of My heaven will replace ashes of earth’s disappointments.
The joy of My company will transcend heartache of earth’s discouragement.
The praise of My love will cancel loneliness of earth’s despair.
The world breaks hearts of My disciples now, but I will save you from sadness.
My Presence encourages the desperate.
Can’t get it all together? Ready to give up the noble quest? About to quit?
Seek My face and listen to My voice--then you’ll find strength to go on.
Listen to My future melody and you can dance by faith here and now.
When perplexities crowd your heart, My consolations cheer your soul.
Just when you need Me most, I will be there for you.
With Me at your side, you’re richer than you thin--I save you from poverty.
My power extricates the shackled.
My Holy Spirit is the key to freedom--I alone can emancipate you from sin.
A lifestyle of rebellion causes addiction, but a lifestyle of obedience frees.
Fettered in a dark cell? Let My sunshine set you free and you’ll leap with joy.
Resolve and dogged determination only go so far, but I save you from slavery.
My promise opens the eyes of the blind.
Without seeing Me, you follow Me by faith--one day we’ll meet face to face.
Eyes of the heart see things as they will be, not as they are now.
Faith is an eye-opening experience, giving confidence of ultimate victory.
Believing you’ll at last see Me motivates you to purify your heart to get ready.
The world will go up in smoke, then the new Jerusalem will materialize.
Painting a mural of heaven on a condemned building? I save you from despair.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity