You will name him Jesus.
He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High.
The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.
He will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!
Luke 1:32-33 NLT
His name is greater than all names—Savior freeing us from sin.
His identity is greater than any person—Son of God helping us u to live.
His throne is greater than any government—equity ensuring justice.
His Kingdom is greater than all nations—realm brightening the future.
His forgiveness is greater than all sin—unfailing mercy inspiring joy.
His grace is greater than any problem--Wonderful Counselor giving hope.
His love is greater than any force—Everlasting Father stabilizing in change.
His light is greater than all darkness--holy radiance guiding us Home.
His peace is greater than all chaos--Prince of Peace calming our fears.
His power is greater than all doubt--Mighty God battling our insecurity.
His blessing is greater than evil’s curse—Omega having the last word.
The best that politicians, philosophers, and scientists have offered has not been good enough. The ultimate solution to problems plaguing the
world for centuries is Jesus. Jesus is our last, best hope.
In the chancel of Westminster Abbey, right above the spot where generations of kings of England have been crowned,
are inscribed these words from Revelation 11:15—
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.
Only when He reigns will there be peace on earth.

(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond