God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.
Then Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the Devil, for God was with him.
Acts 10:38 NLT
Anointed by My Presence, you can conduct heaven’s serious business.
When your mind and heart are controlled by My Holy Spirit, you can—
care for people sacrificially, not just look out for your own interests;
experience invulnerable joy, even in unpleasant circumstances;
stay calm under pressure, even if everything nailed down comes loose;
know peace you cannot explain, even in the eye of a storm;
demonstrate kindness to everyone, including those with no time for you;
be generous-hearted to the needy, giving freely as I have given you;
stay faithful to My cause, though you may feel like quitting;
treat others gently, out of gratitude for My gentleness with you;
demonstrate supernatural self-control, taking the moral high ground.
Do My business prayerfully.
Activated by My power, you will be up and running in an applied faith life.
Independently of Me, you are powerless; leaning on Me, you are powerful.
My gospel is the greatest force – saving from hell, guaranteeing heaven.
My strength is unequaled – enabling you to survive any circumstance.
Depend on My unmatched omnipotence and soar higher than mediocrity.
Trust My incomparable omniscience and run farther than temptation.
Rely on My unfailing omnipresence and walk farther than faintheartedness.
Do more than meditate—move; do more than believe—behave.
Do My business practically.
Assisted by My pattern, you can know clearly what I expect of you.
Jesus did not sit around doing nothing wrong – He went around doing good.
There is a name for knowing what you ought to do and not doing it – sin.
My work involves more than going in circles becoming a big wheel.
If you really love Me, you will unquestioningly obey Me.
If you sincerely follow Me, you will not stop when the road gets rough.
Do more than ask what would Jesus do? Do it!
Do My business promptly.
Awed by My peace, you can stay on an even keel even on troubled seas.
I am your Center of Gravity – your life’s government is in My hands.
I am the Wonderful Counselor guiding you through perplexity’s maze.
I am the Mighty God strengthening you for battles with the evil one.
I am the Everlasting Father stabilizing you in changing situations.
I am the Prince of Peace teaching you to how to relax even in chaos.
Do My business peacefully.

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity