I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No one can come to the Father except through me.
John 14:6 NLT
I am the only Road that leads to the destination of glory.
Convicted of sin, do a repentant U-turn and travel the King’s Highway.
Challenged by righteousness, set out to be like your Sinless Savior.
Convinced of judgment, make a conscious effort to prepare yourself.
My death on the cross paved the highway to the Father’s future.
My blood on your soul marks you as a child of God He will not disown.
Follow the Way—and be confident of reaching heaven.
I am the only Reality that defines goodness.
Lied to by the dark prince, turn a deaf ear to his brainwashing.
Led by the Spirit of truth, listen well and learn life’s greatest lessons.
Loved by the One knowing you best, stay near and enjoy My company.
My light liberates you to sing for joy in the Father’s freedom.
My Spirit in your mind teaches you truth you would not learn otherwise.
Learn the Truth—and be changed for good from the inside out.
I am the only Redeemer who distributes grace.
Attacked by the evil one, do not forget that he is a hateful killjoy.
Attracted by the Holy Spirit, surrender and know life in all its fullness.
Approved by the Father, revel in His love and rest assured of heaven.
My promise guarantees the bright tomorrow of the Father’s festival.
My melody in your heart instructs you in faith’s dance of joy.
Celebrate the Life—and be cheerful in all circumstances.
I am the Way to the Truth of Life.
Your search for heaven, significance, and vitality ends in My heart.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 323 Gentle Whispers from Eternity