The Lord has already told you what is good, what he requires:
to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 NLT
There is nothing you can give Me to make up for evil done.
Writing a ten thousand dollar check would not change a thing.
Funding a cathedral would not pay off your transgressions.
Underwriting a missionary team to foreign lands would not erase sin.
What I am looking for in human beings is really very simple—
obedience to My commandments, honest endeavor to do right;
compassion toward others, kindness and mercy for the struggling;
humility before Me, taking Me seriously.
I desire a responsive LIFE, not just response in offerings.
In gratitude for My steadfast faithfulness, surrender your heart to Me.
Prove you love Me by doing your best to meet My demands.
In a world that offers you many options, I offer you basically two—
obedience, resulting in the blessing of life;
or rebellion, resulting in the curse of death.
It’s up to you which road you travel, but keep consequences in mind.
Every thought, word and deed is an accurate boomerang.
If you decide to ignore heaven’s requirements, you will suffer for it.
You heard right—I said requirements.
My laws are not suggestions—they are orders from Higher Headquarters.
My commands are not recommendations—they are clear requirements.
Christlikeness is more than an ethical ideal—it is a moral imperative.
Life Curriculum has required courses, including these three core ones—
Doing what is right—living by the Book, not your unruly urges;
Being kind to others—being aware they fight a hard battle, like you;
Walking humbly with Me—keeping in mind you are not God, I am.
Why do right? Because I said so.
Why be kind? Because I am not hard on you.
Why be humble? Because you are limited, weak, mortal, and finite.
Let Me remind you again of what you can do to make My heart sing—
choose to do the right thing, whatever the majority does;
be kind to everybody you meet, regardless of how they treat you;
walk humbly with Me, remembering I am God and you are not.

Do as I say, and all will be well.
© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity