Put on all of God’s armor so you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil.
Ephesians 6:11 NLT
You are engaged in a battle with evil forces far more powerful than you.
This war is not a fantasy – Satan and his demons are very real.
The dark side opposes the Light and combats everyone on My side.
Led by the Devil, battalions of demons are on the attack –
this blitzkrieg from hell throws everything Satan has against you.
Unprotected by body armor of faith and love, you are a prime target –
more vulnerable than you think!
You are up against far more than you can handle on your own.
The evil one can overpower you easier than you might imagine.
Strength is in My might alone.
You are weak and I am strong – never forget your critical need of Me!
The key to survival and the secret of strength is heaven’s help.
To stand firm against Satan, take a stance of firm reliance on Me.
To stand tall through the battle, avoid the Devil’s ten thousand lures.
To stand your ground, live as a child of the Light – honestly, purely.
For combat boots, slip into running shoes of enthusiastic evangelism.
Use Faith Shield to extinguish the flaming arrows of temptation.
Don the helmet of My salvation and be transformed from the inside out.
Change how you think, and your life will be changed for the better.
Brandish Spirit Sword to slay the dragon intent on ruining your life.
Scripture is an indispensable weapon to answer hell’s propaganda.
Heaven’s Field Manual gives principles to win your battles on earth.
This ongoing warfare of good versus evil is a 24/7 experience.
So never forget to stay in touch with Higher Headquarters.
Prayerlessness lets down your guard and leaves you open to defeat.
Failure to communicate with your Commander is presumptuous –
declaring in effect that you can achieve victory on your own!
Without Me, you cannot win; with Me, you cannot lose.
The evil one is your opponent, but the Holy One is your confidence.
The prince of darkness is your foe, but Light beyond light is your Friend.
My armor is awkward equipment for an easy chair – this is no war game.
I never said the battle would be easy, but I did promise you would win.
There is no armor for your back, so fight to the finish and die facing the enemy.
One day, we will celebrate life’s victory together -- until then, soldier on.

(c) 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull's Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity