Small-town Star
You, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, are only a small village in Judah.
Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you, one whose origins are from the distant past.
He will be highly honored all around the world. He will be the source of our peace.
Micah 5:2, 4, 5a NLT
He was born in a little town, yet He never began.
Before mountains were sculpted, He existed—in fact, He made them.
Before the planet you call home hung in space, He was your Home.
You cannot understand this, but you can believe it.
He entered earth in a dark barn, yet He will enlighten new Jerusalem.
His light illumines seeking minds—His life comforts desperate hearts.
He spoke first light into being—that light shines on, inextinguishable.
You cannot explain this, but you can enjoy it.
He was marked by a star, yet He made all the stars.
Heaven’s GPS pointed out His location to those who wanted to know.
I still use circumstances, events, and people to direct people to Jesus.
You cannot figure out what I am up to, but you can follow.
He was a helpless baby on earth, yet He is the Sovereign of Heaven.
He enjoyed prerogatives of power and glory, but He gave it up for you.
Rather than demand His rights, He humbly gave His life to redeem you.
You cannot earn this, but you can receive it.
He was adored by wise men from a foreign land,
and He will be worshiped by ransomed saints from all lands.
No one else is worthy of universal praise—He alone is the Savior.
You cannot imagine this, but you can experience it.
He became human in time, yet He is the Ruler of Eternity.
You cannot see Him now, but in the distant future you will.
Storm clouds veil stars, but dawn will reveal the rhapsody of peace.
You cannot envision this, but you can anticipate it.
His star led magi to Him, and the Bright Morning Star guides you.
All wisdom centers on Him—all truth connects to Him.
Wise men traveled a long way to find Him—yet it was worth the trip.
You cannot know it all, but you can know the One who does.

© 2013 Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity