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 Pastor's Blog 
Monday, October 24 2016

Equilibrium Equation

Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.

Deuteronomy 33:25 KJV

When everything in our world is falling to pieces, if we turn to God we can stay unshakably calm. Life can hurt. Circumstances are sometimes painfully difficult. On earth we will fight many battles—but we can take heart, because we share triumph with Jesus. We are not the first the world ever mistreated; it hated its Creator! We should not be surprised when skeptics misunderstand and ostracize us. In spite of scorn and abuse, we are challenged to remain Christ’s willing subject. The King of hearts reigns mercifully. God is our Eternal Refuge—all is well.

When situations unravel and we feel we’re about to come apart at the seams, we can turn to God and be unflaggingly courageous. Undergirding life’s chaos and confusion are the everlasting arms, so we can let all our worries evaporate in the sunlight of His love. Our Father encircles us with unfailing care, so we are safe and secure. Whatever happens, God will always hold you together.

When our days become a daze, and there are more projects and problems and puzzles than we can handle, we can turn to God and find unlimited capability to carry on. Our life’s highest quest it to walk in Jesus’ steps. Whatever shoes we need, God will provide. He gives running shoes for the faith race so we can keep on when we feel like dropping out, and outrun the tempter. He furnishes steel-toed shoes for heavy construction work to protect us in arduous challenges. He dresses us in dancing shoes so we can worship with exhilaration. He gives us combat boots for spiritual warfare to ensure victory. He outfits us with hiking shoes to climb “impossible” mountains. God works best through us when we sense our weakness. When we rely on him, we find that his grace is all we need.

When daily demands are a balancing act between job, family, exercise, others’ expectations, bill paying, car repairs, unknown future, unexpected emergencies, and a hundred details emerging from our to do list, we can turn to God and know unequaled cheer. Whatever demands and pressures life brings, He is our Strength, so there’s no need to let fear or frustration get the best of us. God gives us what we need right when we need it. We do not have to be overwhelmed by circumstances, when we revel in inner-stances.

Celebrating God’s Presence with every heartbeat—we prayerfully maintain an attitude of gratitude, refuse to extinguish the Spirit Flame, scrupulously avoid evil, learn to really live, and march in step with heaven’s drumbeat.

Counting on God’s guarantee of ultimate victory, we relax.

Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—book available on Amazon

This devotional based on day 107 of Gentfle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 12:12 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
Monday, October 17 2016

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD is the one who goes before you.

He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT

We step into the future confidently, knowing there is no surprise to God. God is our Vanguard—so there’s no need to worry about the future. He is already there; He knows what is coming. When tomorrow arrives, He will be there for us.

The Good Shepherd faithfully walks ahead—we listen for My voice and follow His lead. Jesus precedes us, so we can be certain that sunrise will bring strength for all of life’s challenges. He walks ahead of us and shows us the way, one step at a time. We give Christ control of each moment as it comes by deciding to obey Him. We rest in green meadows and by quiet streams by trusting Him unquestioningly even in dark valleys. Whatever the emergency coming our way, heaven is ready.

We step into the future capably, realizing there is no real success without God. God is our VitalityCenter of Gravity in all seasons, Song in sad times, Solid Rock when everything nailed down comes loose, Physician when we are sin-sick, Creator who perfectly understands us, and Almighty God who stands under us.

There’s no need to let shadows intimidate us or let fear unnerve us. Our Father’s eyes watch over sparrows and supervise our journey beyond the stars. In hope, we smile through our tears; by faith, we dance through our troubles.

We step into the future courageously, believing there is no superior force above God. God is our Valor—injecting adrenaline into our timid soul, encouraging us in our nagging doubt. Because of His Presence with us, we can live without terror, cowardice, flinching, dismay, or despondency. All the demons in hell cannot conquer our heart—it is sacred territory, God’s home. We can do all our Master orders through the invigorating power of Christ. We can defeat any spiritual enemy by the protective love of Jesus, our Shield. Hiding in Ultimate Reality, we sing eternity’s song even when we feel like crying. Focused on the cross, we keep running Faith Marathon even when tempted to drop out.

We step into the future cheerfully, understanding there is no song without God. God is our Vision—Sovereign holding tomorrow in His hands, Meaning behind life’s mysteries, and Highest Dream of our heart. He is the God of Abraham’s moving experiences, Isaac’s laughter, and Jacob’s struggles. He is our Stability in transition, Best Answer to prayer, and Truest Riches. Love blesses us with all we need today and all we will need tomorrow—counting on God’s promises coming true, we keep believing in a bright future.

Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity – book available from Amazon

This devotional based on day 106 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity

Posted by: Pastor Almond AT 12:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  0 Comments  |  Email
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    420 Enon Road | Fredericksburg, VA 22406 | PH: 540.371.4124