This message was kept secret for centuries and generations past,
but now it has been revealed to his own holy people.
For it has pleased God to tell his people that
the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too.
For this is the secret: Christ lives in you,
and this is your assurance that you will share in his glory.
Colossians 1:26-27 NLT
Christ’s promise in your mind is your hope of an eternal destiny of joy.
Christ’s love in your heart is your absolute guarantee of a heavenly home.
Christ’s Spirit in your soul is your personal security you are bound for glory.
Christ’s presence in your life is your foretaste of glory divine.
The entire universe with its innumerable galaxies cannot contain God—
yet God has taken up residence in the hearts of all who welcome His Son.
Because Christ lives in you—
you can count on inheriting the blessing of sharing in His glorious reign;
you have been rescued from the dark side, and live as a child of the Light;
you have been made a privileged citizen of His eternal Kingdom;
you have been freed from sin’s addiction and destructiveness;
you have been forgiven of sin’s guilt, and can face eternity fearlessly.
Certainty of eternal life is not based on doubtful faith, but trusting reliance.
Promised glory is not mere wishful thinking—God’s promises will materialize.
Your ultimate destination is a land beyond time, change and decay.
Heaven on earth will be a deathless, tearless, painless, sinless place.
Looking forward to the ecstasy of infinite glory—
you are motivated by a changed purpose—Christ, not yourself;
you anticipate a changed destiny—heaven, not hell;
you demonstrate a changed lifestyle—holiness, not wickedness.
Identified with Christ, you are victorious over sin and death now;
and you are destined for unimaginable glory someday—
more beautiful than any painting can picture,
more joyous than any symphony can convey,
more magnificent than any literature can describe.
Roman generals returning from victory were greeted by a great procession
lining streets and cheering, vanquished troops marching in chains,
strange animals brought from subjugated lands, musicians and singers
celebrating conquests, his children robed in white riding trace horses,
a slave riding with him in his chariot holding a crown for him
and whispering in his ear, “All glory is fleeting.” And so it is.
The one exception is Christ’s glory awaiting you—it is not too good to last.
An eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison will reward your faith.
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Gentle Whispers from Eternity