The man fell down before the king and begged him,
“Oh, sir, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.”
Then the king was filled with pity for him,
and he released him and forgave his debt.
Matthew 18:26-27 NLT
Do you realize how much you owed me—a debt you were unable to pay?
On death row—facing execution, time slipping away—you were hopeless.
Imprisoned in guilt and shame, you could find no exit from your dark cell.
If I had not intervened, you'd have been abandoned to eternal punishment—
dwelling forever in a place designed for the devil and his angels.
No one else in the universe has the authority to forgive iniquities.
The scepter of righteousness and justice and mercy is in My hand alone.
In your wretchedness, you fell face down before Me and begged for mercy.
You pleaded with Me to be patient with you and give you another chance.
My heart would not let Me refuse your sincere petition for clemency.
So in pity for your human foibles and in compassion for you, My child,
I let you go free—totally and absolutely forgiving your transgressions.
My throne is mercy, not marble; otherwise, you'd have been doomed.
Saving you from the penalty of death and hell, I pardoned your rebellion.
Paying the price of release, I redeemed you from the slave market of sin.
Wiping the slate clean, I erased wrongdoings and gave you a fresh start.
Forgiving and forgetting, I did for you what you could not do for yourself.
Putting a spring in your step and a song in your heart, I gave you new life.
Showering kindness on you, I cleansed all your guilt by My Son’s sacrifice.
You are forgiven, not because of doing penance on your bloody knees—
but because of Jesus’ bloody hands and feet, and the spear in his side.
Celebrating My kindness, remember to be kind to everyone around you.
Remembering My pardon, graciously pardon those who hurt you.
I have completely forgiven you for the awful way you have treated Me,
so forgive those who mistreat and offend you in some small way.
Living otherwise calls in question subjection to the King who pardoned you.
Loved by the King of hearts, have a heart for your heartless critics.
Freely forgiven by the King of love, freely forgive those who wrong you.
Shown mercy by the Monarch you've offended, extend mercy to offenders.
Having your debt canceled by the King of peace, release those who owe you.
Receiving grace from the King of kings, do not hold a grudge—let it go!
Realizing I never keep track of your sins, do not keep track of others’ attacks.
Rich in liberty and blessings, celebrate My pardon by being quick to pardon.

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Gentle Whispers from Eternity