Spiritual Coordinates
The Lord God called to Adam, “Where are you?”
Genesis 3:9 NLT
Sometimes your mind is so preoccupied with chasing the wind—arranging your busy schedule, balancing your budget, and mapping your future—you do not even notice Me calling you.
I am not in the windstorm of your anxieties, the earthquake of your ego, or the fire of your frustrations. I speak to you in the hushed tones of providence and the still small voice of conscience.
You are typically running so fast in your human race that you cannot hear Me walking nearby. You may think of Me as being at a great distance, but in reality I am nearer to you than your hands and feet and closer than your breathing. I would really enjoy your friendship. If you will stop hurrying long enough, slow down a few minutes, and take a walk with Me, I have a few questions for you.
Where have you been? I have noticed that you have been extremely busy, actively pursuing earthly success. Do you understand that I have a higher standard by which to measure eternal significance? No matter how many rungs you climb, it would be humiliating for you to reach the top of the wrong ladder!
Where are you now? After all your merry-go-round days, your hectic pace, your frequent moves, and your accomplishments in life, what is the current state of your heart? Do you feel fulfilled, satisfied, and content? Are you at ease and relaxed with who you are and what you have become? Are you hiding from Me? Or am I your Hiding Place?
Where are you going? Have you pondered your direction? If you continue on the road you are traveling, where will you be ten or twenty years from now? Are you willing to trust Me with your destination? Will you allow Me to arrange your itinerary? Does your heart hunger to enjoy paradise? Care to go for a stroll?

© Pastor Johnny R. Almond Day 2, Gentle Whispers from Eternity