According to the LORD’s instructions to Joshua,
he gave Caleb son of Jephunneh an allotment among the Judahites,
namely the City of Arba, the father of Anak, which is now Hebron.
I am your Sovereign—allow Me to choose your lot in life and accompany you as you traverse its emotional topography. I perfectly understand you and I powerfully stand under you. You can trust Me to constantly take care of you. Because I care for you, you can be carefree. Do not complain and bellyache about your circumstances; learn to be content in your inner-stances, whatever lot I assign you. Be satisfied and you will be truly rich. Whether you have little or much, rest assured in the confident awareness that I am leading you to paradise. Celebrate every mile of the journey.
I may give you difficult mountainous terrain, as I did My servant Caleb. Do not pray to live on easy street; pray for strength of character. There may be giants in your territory you will need to expel—drive them out by My authority. I do not give you an attitude of cowardice and shyness—I bless you with a bold spirit, a caring heart, and disciplined good sense. Visigoths of discouragement, loneliness, and weariness may attack—conquer them in My Name.
Whatever your address, I am your Home. I made your heart My residence, and I will in no case move away. My Presence permeating your personality will be evidenced by your affectionate heart, exuberant outlook, serene disposition, patient stick-to-itiveness, kind manner, generous compassion, loyal consistency, gentle interaction, and self-controlled appetites.
Empowered by My Almighty Spirit, you can do “the impossible.”
Charmed by My Selfless Spirit, you can minister in a Christlike fashion.
Guided by My Tranquil Spirit, you can stay sane in the eye of the storm.
Shaped by My Creative Spirit, you can bloom wherever you are planted.
Reinforced by My Invincible Spirit, you can vanquish giants in your territory.
Inspired by My Hopeful Spirit, you can dance heaven’s dance on earth.
Feel like grumbling about your lot in life? Build a service station on it.
Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church - Friends on a Journey of Faith
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—book available on Amazon
Devotional based on day 116 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity